Ms. Amy Haseltine


Amy Haseltine joined GSA in October 2019 as Director of the NewPay Program Management Office under GSA’s Human Resources Quality Service Management Office (QSMO). In June 2020, with OMB’s designation of GSA as the Quality Service Management Office for Human Resources Transaction Services, she assumed the dual role as the Director of GSA’s QSMO for Civilian HR Transaction Services and NewPay Program Management Office. Amy recently took on an additional assignment as the Acting Executive Director of Enterprise Technology Solutions (ETS) within the Federal Acquisition Service Office of Information Technology Category. As HR QSMO Director, Ms. Haseltine supports the President’s Management Agenda: Modernizing Government for the 21st Century (June 28, 2017), in support of the GSA’s role as co-lead for the “Sharing Quality Services” Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal. Among other tasks, GSA is expected to help drive and expand the number and use of common solutions across government to reduce duplication and costs as well as improve the quality and delivery of shared services by using common solutions; standard administrative operations; and core performance metrics. As the Acting Executive Director for ETS, Ms. Haseltine and her team deliver IT infrastructure solutions to agencies including leading the government-wide EIS transition. Prior to joining GSA, Ms. Haseltine was the Deputy Chief Information Officer for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants and Acquisition Policy and Accountability. She has spent more than 25 years in government helping to drive innovation and results as exemplified by her work on HHS’ Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) efforts, leading government-wide DATA Act implementation for the federal grants community, and serving as the Managing Partner for


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