
Brette Fishman PMP, CGMS

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants Management, U.S. Department of Education

From grantee to grantor, pre-award to post-closeout adjustments, and everything in between, Brette Fishman brings a wealth of knowledge about federal grants management policies, procedures, and best practices. Brette is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants Management at the U.S. Department of Education with responsibility over grant policy and management, audit resolution and risk management, and indirect cost negotiation. In addition to leading teams and supporting diverse programs at various federal agencies, she provided support at the government-wide level while on detail with OMB. Brette is an advocate for leveraging data to mitigate fraud, waste, and abuse to ensure federal grant dollars are used to accomplish their intended objectives on behalf of the public. She is a Project Management Professional, Certified Grants Management Specialist, and Lean Six Sigma practitioner.
