
Chad Clifford

Executive Director for Grants Policy, Oversight, Effectiveness, & Training, Office of Grants, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Chad Clifford is the Executive Director of the Division of Policy, Oversight, Effectiveness, and Training in the Office of Grants at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Chad leads HHS-wide grants policy and grants workforce development efforts to enhance and drive HHS grants mission delivery. Additionally, he leads government-wide Grants Data Standards efforts, as well as the Grants Quality Services Management Office (QSMO), both housed at HHS. Previously as the Executive Director of the Grants QSMO, Chad led work to establish and manage a marketplace of customer-focused solutions, drive burden reduction for applicants and recipients, increase efficiencies for agencies, and leverage grants data to unleash innovative solutions. Chad has over 18 years of experience leading in fast-paced environments to resolve complex problems facing the Federal Government. Prior to joining HHS, he completed a year-long fellowship with OMB as part of the White House Leadership Development Program (WHLDP), where he worked in the Office of Federal Financial Management and helped lead government-wide efforts to operationalize grants management data standards and to establish a robust marketplace of shared technology solutions and services for grants. Before that, he served in various leadership roles in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Office of Chief Counsel and worked in nearly all of FEMA’s mission, including: disaster response and recovery, mitigation and floodplain management, protection and national preparedness, environmental planning and historic preservation, as well as legislative affairs. Chad has a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School (Washington, D.C.), and a B.A. in Political Science from the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA).
