
Chip Walgren

Former Senate Appropriations Committee Staff (retired)

After 35 years of federal service, including 21 years on the Senate Appropriations Committee staff, Chip retired in March 2020. His career began in 1985 working for Senator DeConcini as foreign policy, defense advisor and on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Chip held positions at the Department of State handling foreign operations appropriations and policy toward N. Korea. Returning to the Senate in 1999, Chip worked for Senator Dorgan then moved to the Appropriations Committee as clerk of the Treasury, Postal, and General Government Subcommittee. He moved to the Homeland Security Subcommittee when it was created in 2003. Chip has dedicated countless hours to customs and border security issues, immigration and trade. He shepherded appropriations matters of the Secret Service and law enforcement training. Chip has a bachelor’s in Political Science/Soviet Studies from the University of Illinois.
