
Mrs. Denise Davis

Director, Return Integrity Verification Program Management, IRS

Denise Davis currently serves as the Director, Return Integrity Verification Program Management (RIVPM) in the Wage & Investment (W&I) Division. She is responsible for the policy and program oversight of revenue protection efforts such as the detection, prevention, and treatment of improper refunds (identity theft and non-compliance). In cooperation with multiple organizations within the IRS as well as partnerships through the Security Summit, RIVPM develops, tests and perfects innovative forward-thinking solutions to pre-refund revenue protection challenges. She serves as the Executive Official for the Identity Theft Tax Refund Fraud Information Sharing Analysis Center (ISAC). The ISAC is a public private partnership that includes near real time data and analysis of tax refund fraud in the tax ecosystem. Denise has over 30 years of IRS experience with a well-rounded focus on taxpayer service, compliance, and identity theft.
