Edward Gramp is the Acting Director of the Financial Policy Division in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at the General Services Administration (GSA). With over 35 years working in GSA's CFO accounting community, Mr. Gramp brings a wealth of experience in financial reporting and implementation of accounting standards. Having been a principal preparer and leader of GSA’s consolidated financial reporting, Mr. Gramp has been involved first-hand in implementing many of the FASAB standards. Ed has participated on multiple FASAB task force teams and is a regular responder to formal and informal FASAB exposure drafts and inquiries on behalf of GSA.
With SFFAS 54, Mr. Gramp has been involved from the beginning, supporting the original development of the standard with the FASAB team, as well as GSA’s implementation efforts to discern the impacts and determine approaches GSA will use to implement SFFAS 54. Mr. Gramp has also played a leading role in development of systems requirements to allow automation of processes critical to SFFAS 54 implementation.