
Heather Dunahoo

Assistant Director, Government Accountability Office

Heather Dunahoo is an Assistant Director in GAO’s Forensic Audits and Investigative Service team where she guides engagements aimed at helping prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse across the government. Her work spans agencies such as the Departments of Defense & Housing and Urban Development. She has conducted work looking at a variety of programs and activities with increased risk of fraud such as disability programs, Medicare and Medicaid, disaster response, and contracting. In her 20 year federal career, Heather has also worked in GAO’s Financial Management and Assurance team focused on improper payments and contracting financial management. She also served as the Assistant Inspector General for Audit at the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board. Heather earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Virginia Tech and is a Certified Public Accountant.
