
Holden Hoofnagle

Director, Office of the Secretary Financial Management, U.S. Department of Commerce

This Directorate is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the OS budgetary functions including development and oversight of the OS budget submissions to the Department, OMB, and Congress and implementation of all phases of the budget process for Department-wide, high-priority emerging issues. This office also allocates resources to the OS Executive Direction and Departmental Staff Services operating units and evaluates the adequacy of OS budget operations, adherence to established policy, and any need for changes in the overall direction. OSFM is also responsible for continuous review, re-engineering and streamlining of reimbursable services in the Working Capital and Advance and Reimbursement accounts; monitors the Departmental gifts and bequests activities; and updates the Office of the Secretary Working Capital Fund and Advances and Reimbursement Handbook, the OS Budget Contact Handbook, and the Gifts and Bequests Funds Standard Operating Procedures.
