
Jacob Lee

Chief Risk Officer, Department of the Interior

Jacob (Jake) Lee is the chief risk officer for the Department of the Interior. After 27 plus years in the USAF as a weather forecaster that literally took him around the world Jake began his second career at the US Fish and Wildlife Service in October of 2005 as the internal controls coordinator. He moved to the Bureau of Land Management in 2009 where he also led the internal controls program. In 2012 Jake moved to a new bureau within the Department, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement which was created in response to the BP oil spill. He was specifically brought on to stand up Enterprise Risk Management and internal controls as the Chief Risk Officer for the new Bureau. In 2020 Jake took the position as the Department of the Interior lead for standing up a Department wide ERM program. He is in the Office and Planning and Performance Management where he works closely with his team to link strategic planning, performance management, performance reporting, and evidence with the ERM program across the many bureaus and major offices.
