Jerry is an Assistant Director for the State of Tennessee, Comptroller of the Treasury, Division of Local Government Audit. The division has statutory responsibility for audits of approximately 1600 local governments and related organizations in Tennessee. Many of these governments are subject to the Single Audit Act and OMB’s Uniform Guidance.
A 35-year veteran of the division, Jerry has served as an auditor, audit supervisor, training instructor, technical manager, and assistant director. In his role as assistant director, he is responsible for developing professional compliance procedures and monitoring the division’s quality performance under GASB, AICPA, OMB, and GAO accounting and auditing standards. Jerry also has responsibility for supervising the contract review process within the division.
Jerry was selected for the AGA National Educator award for 2019. In addition, Jerry teaches the Yellow Book and Audit Findings training classes for the Tennessee Department of Audit. Jerry has been selected as Department of Audit Instructor of the Year four times.
Jerry has made training presentations for numerous other professional organizations, state, and local governments. He currently serves on several working committees for professional organizations.
Jerry is married and has three children and four grandchildren.