
Dr. John McGowan PhD

Former Deputy Director, NIAID, NIH

Dr. McGowan, who worked at the NIH for 34 years, is a widely recognized scientist and informaticist trained in molecular biology and virology. He worked closely with Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, NIAID director and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, for more than three decades, most recently on COVID-19 emergency response efforts. Dr. McGowan will use his experience leading the “business of science” to transform mission-driven healthcare across public sector, provider, payer, life sciences, and state and local government organizations in their efforts to proactively address emerging issues in scientific research. As a leader at the NIAID and NIH, Dr. McGowan served in a variety of positions. As NIH grew, he continuously aligned offices and capabilities to meet its expansive mission and address emerging health threats. For example, as acting NIH deputy director for management, Dr. McGowan worked with business and scientific leaders to address critical worldwide research efforts, including HIV/AIDs, SARS, bioterrorism, and COVID-19. Additionally, at NIAID, Dr. McGowan worked to keep science at the forefront by incorporating innovative data, technology, and automation initiatives, such as the NIH Big Data to Knowledge effort, the Clinical Research Management System, high performance computing, and multiple grants/research systems, into complex research programs. A nationally recognized thought leader, Dr. McGowan has authored numerous articles, abstracts, and research papers for scientific journals and national publications, and presented at hundreds of scientific seminars, conferences, and events.
