As the Acting Deputy Chief Financial Officer for the U.S. General Services
Administrator, Jonathan Clinton serves as Principal Advisor to the Chief Financial
Officer (CFO), helping the CFO establish vision, strategies, and initiatives to ensure
the organization provides high quality deliverables and services to GSA partners.
Prior to taking on this role, Jonathan was the Senior Advisor to the Deputy
Administrator and Chief Operating Officer of GSA, helping to manage the day-to-day
operations of the 11,000 person agency which delivers real estate, technology, and
acquisition services to Federal agencies, with $26.3 billion in annual revenue and
$25.8 billion in expenses. Jonathan has 17 years of experience in the Federal
government space, beginning his career as a strategy and management consultant
supporting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and then taking on Federal
roles with DHS’ National Protection and Programs Directorate and the Immediate
Office of the Secretary’s intergovernmental affairs team. Jonathan joined GSA in
2011 and has served in various roles with the Administrator’s office and the Office
of Government-wide Policy. He received his bachelor’s degree in Political Science
from the University of Michigan and a Master of Public Administration degree from
American University in Washington, DC.