Kwatasian P. Hunt, a native of Montgomery, Alabama, received her graduate degree in Human Services from Amridge University. Mrs. Hunt completed her undergraduate studies in Psychology at Troy University and recently received her Doctor of Philosophy in Theology from Touch of Love Theological Institute.
For twelve years, Dr. Hunt committed her professional career to a local non-profit organization that provided Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention, Recovery Support, and Mental Health Services.
During this time, she served in multiple capacities as Project Manager and Director of Behavioral Health Prevention in which she implemented nationally recognized interventions. Dr. Hunt has received training from world-renowned scientists and researchers in the areas of addiction, mental health, and HIV/AIDS. She has also been privileged to participate in the Presidential Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) under President Obama’s Administration.
Dr. Hunt is an Internationally Certified Prevention Specialist and has provided training on behavioral health topics to state government, foster parents, local colleges, community churches, non-profit organizations, and other local businesses.
Her dedication to prevention education and training led to the K. Hunt Prevention Education Series at a local non-profit organization, where she developed and implemented the Education and Training Institute and online continuing education courses for Certified Recovery Peer Support Specialists.
Dr. Hunt works with the Department of Finance, Division of Risk Management as the state-wide Employee Assistance Program Coordinator. This position allows her to provide training and help coordinate services such as counseling, training, and work/life balance for state employees.