
Malaika Simmons

Founder and CEO, Momentology Media, LLC

Life is a series of moments. What will you do with yours? Malaika Simmons, performance mindset coach, TEDx speaker, and author can help you figure that out. Malaika is a 2x Toastmasters club president, human-centered design strategist, innovation consultant, and co-author of two books, including the Amazon bestselling "The Success Blueprint" with Brian Tracy, and “Entrepreneurial Elevation”. Malaika is the creator of The Momentology Method™, and CEO of Momentology Media, LLC. Malaika uses The Momentology Method™ to help servant-leading women executives and high performers create daily momentum and implement a plan that lets them step up, speak up, and level up to design the impactful career, business, and life of their dreams.
