
Mark Greenblatt

Inspector General, Dept. of the Interior

The Honorable Mark Lee Greenblatt began his tenure as the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) on August 26, 2019, after being confirmed by the U.S. Senate. As the Inspector General, Mr. Greenblatt leads a nationwide workforce of more than 270 investigators, auditors, evaluators, attorneys, and support staff. Their mission is to provide independent oversight and promote excellence, integrity, and accountability within the programs, operations, and management of the DOI. Mr. Greenblatt is the senior official responsible for providing oversight of more than 70,000 DOI employees and assessing the DOI’s diverse programs, which include roughly $10 billion in grants and contracts, $12 billion in natural resource royalties, 30% of the nation’s energy resources, Federal trust responsibilities to 573 Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, and stewardship of 20% of the Nation’s lands. On January 1, 2021, Mr. Greenblatt was appointed to serve as the Vice-Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), leading the Inspector General community’s mission to combat fraud, waste, and mismanagement. As part of his leadership duties, he leads the U.S. delegation to the International Public Sector Fraud Forum. He also serves on CIGIE’s Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, where he chairs the Data Sharing Working Group.
