
Matthew T Cornelius

Managing Director for Federal Industry, Workday

Matthew is the Managing Director for Federal Industry at Workday, where he helps lead go to market strategy, communications, and planning for the world’s leading cloud-based HR solutions company. Prior to joining Workday, he served as a Senior Professional Staff Member for Chairman Gary C. Peters on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), covering a wide array of IT modernization, budget, appropriations, regulatory, and government operations matters. Before the Hill, he was the Executive Director of the Alliance for Digital Innovation (ADI) - a coalition of customer-focused commercial companies helping to shape government IT modernization efforts through effective advocacy and thought leadership. Cornelius also served nearly a decade in the Executive Branch as a Senior Advisor for Technology and Cybersecurity Policy at the White House's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and as the Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity to the Administrator of the General Services Administration.
