Melinda Miguel was appointed by Governor DeSantis on January 8, 2019, as Chief Inspector General, Executive Office of the Governor, State of Florida. She also served as Chief Inspector General for Florida Governor Rick Scott from February 2011 to April 2017 and for Florida Governor Charlie Crist from January 2007 to November 2010. In this role, she is also a member of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement - Florida Fusion Center as the representative for the Florida IG Community. Governor DeSantis appointed Ms. Miguel to serve on the Governor’s Cybersecurity Taskforce in 2019 where she served as vice chair of the “Identify” sub-committee fashioned after the 1st domain of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. She is also currently a member of the Florida Cybersecurity Advisory Council.
Ms. Miguel has over 30 years of public service and has served as IG for the following Florida state agencies:
•Florida State Board of Administration;
•Florida Attorney General’s Office;
•Florida Department of Education; and,
•Florida Department of Elder Affairs.
Ms. Miguel has also served as the Deputy IG for the Architect of the Capitol and IG for the U.S. Government Publishing Office, both in Washington, D.C.
Ms. Miguel is the National President for AGA. She also serves on the AGA’s Intergovernmental Partnership. Her service with AGA extends over twenty years in a variety of leadership roles at the local, regional, and national levels.
Ms. Miguel is the immediate past National President of the Association of Inspectors General; a former member of the national Executive Committee and member of the Legislative Issues Committee, Professional Certification Board, Professional Standards Committee, and Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She is an advisor for the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators and the Director of SHELeadsTech for the Tallahassee Chapter of ISACA.