
Dr. Natalie Houghtby-Haddon

Associate Director, GWU Center for Excellence in Public Leadership

Dr. Natalie K. Houghtby-Haddon is the Associate Director of The George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (GW CEPL), and an Assistant Professor in the GW College of Professional Studies. She teaches leadership theory, ethics, culture change and change leadership, and personal development for a number of the Center’s leadership development programs. Her other work for the Center includes new business and proposal development, Center operations, curriculum development, teaching, faculty advising, and the management of client relationships and contracts. Her primary goal in the work that she does is to help leaders imagine and generate alternative futures that will make a positive difference for themselves, their organizations, their communities, and the people they serve. Prior to her appointment at GW CEPL, Dr. Houghtby-Haddon was President of Immaculate Heart College Center (IHCC) in Los Angeles, and also served as the Interim Executive Director for the Institute for Community Leadership in Los Angeles, CA, a collaborative effort of the LA County Department of Health Services, the UCLA School of Public Health, the University of La Verne, and IHCC.
