
Nicole Frish

Director, Improper Payments Remediation and Oversight Office, VA, Department of Veterans Affairs

Ms. Frish established the IPRO office in the summer of 2015 and has led the Department in improving payment integrity efforts, culminating in achieving VA’s fourth consecutive year of reductions and 72 of 74 programs being compliant with payment integrity legislation requirements in FY 2022. In her role, Ms. Frish oversees VA’s risk assessment process to identify programs at significant risk of improper and unknown payments, ensures VA accurately identifies and reports improper payments in alignment with the legislative definition, and works with programs enterprise-wide to ensure that effective corrective actions are developed, implemented, and monitored. Ms. Frish has participated in multiple governmentwide workgroups focused on improving transparency and communication of agency improper and unknown payments. In addition, Ms. Frish is a graduate of VA’s Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program, obtaining certification from the Office of Personnel Management in the fall of 2021. While working to obtain certification, Ms. Frish was detailed into the Deputy Executive Director, Operations.


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