
Patrick Smith


Patrick C. Smith is an Assistant General Counsel at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). He works primarily on Federal financial assistance-related matters with the Office of Federal Financial Management (OFFM) and the Made in America Office (MIAO). At OMB, his work includes legal review of government-wide financial management policies and guidance, including the recent updates in Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations issued by OFFM and MIAO. He also works with other offices in OMB on Federal financial assistance-related matters, including providing legal review of agency rulemakings. Prior to working at OMB, Patrick previously served as an Attorney Advisor at the U.S. Department of Transportation, where his work also focused on Federal financial assistance-related matters, including Buy America, implementation of environmental laws (such as NEPA), and transportation infrastructure. Prior to working at U.S. DOT, Patrick served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland. While serving as an AAG in Maryland, he worked on civil litigation with a focus primarily on environmental law.
