Rebecca Underhill joined the Peace Corps Office of Inspector General (OIG) as a lead auditor in December 2012. The Peace Corps OIG audit program works to find and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in Peace Corps programs operating in 62 countries around the globe. From Albania to Zambia, we strive to help the Peace Corps become more efficient and effective. We make recommendations to keep Peace Corps Volunteers safe, healthy, and productive so they can achieve the goals of the Peace Corps. The scope of our work overseas encompasses a wide assortment of topics, including reviewing all financial transactions, monitoring official vehicle usage, ensuring all Volunteers are paid appropriately, and ensuring medical supplies are safeguarded.
Ms. Underhill began her auditing career at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission OIG where she worked for over 10 years auditing the internal operations of the agency including financial, management, personnel security, and IT security. She also conducted audits of the agency’s nuclear materials and reactor programs, including the physical security of nuclear materials at power plants.
For over 15 years, she has managed the financial statement audit and Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) reviews at her respective agencies.
Ms. Underhill holds a master’s degree in accounting from University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. She is a Certified Internal Auditor.