
Robert Smith

Division Chief Enterprise Monitoring, Oversight & Reporting (EMOR) Division, Financial Improvement & Audit Remediation (FIAR) Directorate, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense-Comptroller (OUSD-C)

Mr. Smith is a highly experienced and accomplished financial management professional with over 20 years of experience in the public and private sectors and a proven track record of success in a variety of roles, including a Staff Accountant and a Risk Advisory Manager. He is currently responsible for managing and reporting on the DoD’s overall full financial statement audit remediation efforts, and reporting on audit results. He also provides subject matter expertise, recommendations, and guidance to support the DCFO’s mission of solving longstanding financial management problems with Fund Balance with Treasury (FBwT), Property Plant and Equipment (PP&E) and Inventory and Relater Property (I&RP). Prior to his current role, Robert was a Manager, Risk Advisory at Ernst & Young and Deloitte, where he supervised matrixed teams in support of Military Departments and Defense Agencies in improving and mitigating General Property, Plant and Equipment (GPP&E) and Inventory and Related Property (I&RP) financial process deficiencies in support of audit transformational programs. Robert began his career in the United States Navy, where he collected, analyzed, interpreted, prioritized, and disseminated timely and relevant classified foreign military intelligence reports while assigned to the USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723).


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