Since 2015, Robert A. Westbrooks has served as the Inspector General for the U.S. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. PBGC protects the retirement incomes of about 37 million American workers in nearly 25,000 private-sector defined benefit pension plans, pays out around $6 billion in benefits annually, and has assets under performance management of over $100 billion. Bob oversees independent investigations and audits of PBGC programs and operations. He is an attorney, certified public accountant, certified internal auditor, and certified information systems auditor with 25 years of public sector experience, 21 of which have been spent as a federal criminal investigator. Since 2016, Bob has concurrently served as the chair of the Professional Development Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) and is a member of the CIGIE Executive Council. His current area of interest and study is enterprise risk management, and he writes and speaks frequently on this subject. He is a contributing author of Public Sector Enterprise Risk Management: Advancing Beyond the Basics. Fletcher, K & Stanton, T, editors. London England: Routledge. (May 2019).