Sandra _Richtermeyer

Dr. Sandra Richtermeyer CMA, CPA

Dean- Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts-Lowell

Dr. Sandra Richtermeyer is Dean of the Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Prior to her current position, she served in many other academic roles at Xavier University and the University of Wyoming. She works actively with a variety of professional organizations and is a frequent speaker on internal control, governance, technology enablement, and performance measurement. Her teaching and research interests are in the areas of corporate governance, enterprise systems, and nonprofit and governmental accounting. She has authored many articles in academic and practitioner publications and has over 20 years of experience on boards as well as technology and accounting related advisory committees. In addition to her academic background, she worked as a CPA for many years in Denver, Colorado with a practice focus on compliance, assurance and systems implementation. Dr. Richtermeyer has served in many leadership roles for professional organizations and is a former Global Chair of the Institute of Management Accountants. She is a former Ohio Accounting Educator of the Year as well as an American Women’s Society of CPAs Educator of the Year. Sandra received her B.S. degree from the University of Wyoming, her M.S., MBA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Colorado.


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