Sarah _Lyberg

Sarah Lyberg

Assistant Chief Financial Officer for Budget, HUD Office

Sarah Lyberg has served as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Assistant Chief Financial Officer for Budget since October 2014, with a $48 billion annual discretionary budget and over $3 trillion in loan guarantees at FHA and Ginnie Mae. Before HUD, she was at the Office of Management and Budget where she oversaw the Federal credit portfolio, where she led efforts to revise Federal credit policies in OMB Circular A-129, and developed budgetary accounting and cost estimation methods to implement financial crisis programs, including the Troubled Asset Relief Program, International Monetary Fund, myriad housing programs, and student loan purchase authorities. Ms. Lyberg has a BA in history from Kalamazoo College, and a Masters of Public Policy from the Ford School of the University of Michigan.


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