
Sean Mildrew CGFM

Deputy CFO, US Patent and Trademark Office

Sean Mildrew is the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In this role, he assists the CFO and oversees an annual budget exceeding $4 billion and serves as an advisor to the USPTO CFO and Director in supporting and improving the accounting, budgeting, planning, and organizational performance systems of the USPTO. Mr. Mildrew’s responsibilities include managing the fiscal operations of the USPTO and providing leadership in areas defined by the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and other legislation designed to improve integrity in federal financial management. Prior to joining the USPTO, Mr. Mildrew was the Acting CFO and Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Finance in the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP). There he provided leadership in formulating and executing CBP’s $13 billion budget and facilitated the collection of $46 billion in customs revenue. In addition to Acting CFO, Mr. Mildrew also served as CBP’s first ever Chief Accountability Officer, where he championed CBP’s enterprise-wide strategic management and resource decision-making framework and was instrumental in the office’s creation. A lifelong public servant, Mr. Mildrew began his career at, and held several senior executive leadership positions within, the General Services Administration (GSA), including serving as Assistant Commissioner for Budget and Financial Management and separately as Assistant Commissioner for Organizational Resources of its Public Buildings Service, as well as Acting GSA Budget Director. He earned the agency’s Meritorious Service Award in 2002. Mr. Mildrew received his Bachelor of Arts from the Catholic University of America. He holds Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees from the George Washington University and Johns Hopkins University, respectively. He also completed the Senior Managers in Government program at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
