Steven _Whitney

Steven Whitney

Manager, BerryDunn

Steven Whitney is a Manager with BerryDunn and an attorney with over 30 years of experience working with state and local government clients. Mr. Whitney understands the complexities of accounting for the costs associated with the operation of health and human service programs and has a wealth of experience analyzing and assessing health and human service agencies’ costs and revenues. Mr. Whitney has worked with state and local agencies to help them:
• account for costs;
• develop cost allocation plans to allocate costs to benefitting programs;
• develop rates to account for costs and claim those costs to appropriate programs;
• identify and claim revenues to fund their programs;
• identify process and performance improvements; and
• comply with state and federal program requirements.
His past work includes:
• Allocating and accounting for costs associated with the design, development, implementation, operation and management of integrated Health Insurance Exchange/Medicaid eligibility systems
• Developing and implementing process and performance improvements to health and human service programs
• Developing and implementing fee for service and administrative claiming processes for mental and physical health services under Medicaid
• Developing cost allocation and administrative cost recovery plans for mental health, child welfare, juvenile, elderly, developmentally disabled, special education, and social services programs
• Analyzing and identifying revenue enhancement or cost reduction opportunities under Medicaid, mental health, public health, child care, SSI/SSD, TANF, IV-D, and IV-E programs, child welfare, juvenile justice, social services and elder service agencies
• Evaluating state programs to assess compliance with state and federal program requirements
• Conducting programmatic and financial audits of Health Benefit Exchanges in Rhode Island, Vermont, Minnesota and Washington


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