Tim Buchholz is a Program Analyst in the Improper Payment Analysis and Audit Coordination Office in Office of the Chief Financial Officer – United States Department of Energy.
Initially joining the Department to work as a risk management team lead for the ARRA energy portfolio group, Tim worked with program offices to assess and mitigate financial, compliance and operational risks. He identified internal controls and oversight needs from initial plans to the close out of projects. Tim also developed a department-wide Recipient Risk Assessment system used to prioritize recipient monitoring efforts and identify potential risks for waste, fraud, abuse and financial health issues. Tim was the recipient of the 2011 James T. Campbell Award for Financial Management Excellence, the highest award in the Department’s CFO organization.
In response to the CFO’s goal to eliminate a 10-year recurring significant deficiency for information technology (IT) from the annual Financial Statement Audit, Tim worked with the Assistant Deputy Chief Financial Officer and a Department-wide IT working group. As a result of his contributions, internal controls and communications were improved in the Department’s IT financial systems. A significant deficiency has not been issued for IT since FY2014.