
Timothy Lynch

Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigations - Washington Field Office's Bank Fraud and Money Laundering

Tim Lynch became an FBI Special Agent in 2004 and was initially assigned to the Harrisburg Resident Agency, Philadelphia Field Office. SA Lynch investigated a variety of matters including international and domestic terrorism, interstate prostitution, crimes against children, interstate auto theft, and bank robbery before focusing primarily on white collar crime and public corruption. From 2011 to 2013, newly promoted Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Lynch served as a Defensive Tactics Instructor at the FBI Academy, leading multiple New Agent classes through training. When the 2013 government shutdown significantly limited Academy classes, SSA Lynch requested a return to criminal case work as a Special Agent. From 2013 to 2020, SA Lynch was assigned to the Northern Virginia Resident Agency, Washington Field Office, where he investigated corporate fraud and white collar crime before again being promoted to SSA. Since March 2020, SSA Lynch has supervised the Washington Field Office’s Bank Fraud and Money Laundering squad. Prior to joining the FBI, SSA Lynch earned a bachelor’s degree in English from James Madison University in 1999 and served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps from 1999 to 2003. He is married and has three beautiful children who rarely listen to him.
