Chris brings over 16 years of financial and risk management experience in both the public and private sectors including all three branches of government (Executive, Legislative & Judicial). He has a special expertise in the area of OMB Circular A-123, the Green Book and the COSO Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) frameworks and serves as a corporate liaison on several projects where he helps Federal organizations link risk with strategy and performance. He is a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM), Project Management Professional (PMP) and holds a Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA). Chris has serves as Trilogy’s Vice President of Financial Management & System Integration and is their representative on AGA’s Corporate Partner Advisory Group (CPAG). He holds a BBA in Finance from the College of William and Mary where he has served on the Management Consulting Advisory Board in the Mason School of Business as a board member and lecturer for MBAs and undergraduates since 2016. Chris frequently writes and speaks on the topic of employing risk management principles to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of government programs.