
Michael Duffy PMP

Branch Chief, DHS- Office of Cybersecurity & Communications

Michael Duffy leads the DHS Office of Cybersecurity & Communications’ federal agency engagement branch where he helps Departments and Agencies manage their cyber risk by leading interagency outreach initiatives, facilitating efforts to implement network security capabilities, and coordinating the delivery of cybersecurity support services. In this role, he manages DHS efforts to improve cybersecurity across federal networks by supporting the implementation of federal policies, standards, best practices, and DHS cyber programs. In 2015, Mr. Duffy established DHS’s first dedicated team of cybersecurity liaisons focused on providing tailored cybersecurity support to agency leaders from the 23 civilian departments and nearly 100 small and independent agencies. Previously, Mr. Duffy held various positions in Department-wide policy, strategic planning, program management, and operations coordination where he worked across various DHS mission areas to include border and maritime security, counterterrorism, emergency management, domestic and international information sharing, and cybersecurity. He is a graduate of the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. where he earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Public Administration.


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